The discovery process is underway in the Six Flying Imams case. Omar Mohammedi, attorney for the imams and President of the Board of Directors for the New York Chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, filed a motion to "compel US Airways to divulge its training manuals, and information on its security procedures, so that they could show that the security procedures were not followed down to the last jot and tittle when the imams were removed from US Airways Flight 300 on November 20, 2006." As if! As blogger Douglas from CrosswordBebop remarks:
"When I realized what Mohammedi was asking for, I was briefly dazed, as I heard the sound in my mind’s ear of a thousand bloggers screaming something to the effect of “Ok, let me get this straight. A group of imams led by a fundraiser for a Muslim charity (the Holy Land Foundation) which was shut down by the Treasury Department for its connections to Hamas, is asking a judge to compel an airline to divulge its security procedures. And everyone’s OK with that?!?”
Not! Kudos to US Airways for fighting this seditious organization.
More legal jihad shenanigans from CAIR reported by Patrick Poole at Pajamas Media, this an attempt by CAIR to pressure the police in Fairfax County, Virginia.
"On February 9, Abassi committed an improper turn which prompted a traffic stop by Fairfax County police. After consent for a search of the vehicle was given, police discovered loose pills, needles, and prescriptions written to other individuals in the trunk of the car, violations of Virginia law. Dr. Abbasi admitted that he treated members of his mosque out of his vehicle, also a violation of Virginia medical rules (it should be noted that he is also a U.S. Customs and Immigration Service-approved immigration doctor). Abbasi received a summons for unlawfully prescribing drugs and three others for possession of controlled substances, and was allowed to leave the scene on his own recognizance."
"More than two months later, a letter was sent from CAIR national legal counsel Nadhira Al-Khalili to Colonel David Rohrer, chief of the Fairfax County Police Department, claiming that the traffic stop was made on the basis of profiling and that Dr. Abassi’s consent to the vehicle search was never given. She also claimed that Abbasi’s arrest was part of a pattern of 'religious discrimination' by the department."
What crap, really, and what a shame and a waste of of taxpayer, county and municipal dollars to have to respond to this crap. The guy made an illegal turn and he was illegally giving out medical prescriptions.
Death by a thousand papercuts. CAIR needs to be countersued ten times over. It looked like they were going to tone down the baseless lawsuits that is their MO, copied somewhat successfully by other Islamic groups, including the Islamic Society of Boston. But no, CAIR - with its measly 1,700 members in 2006 - is back to their usual baseless but time-consuming and costly legal jihad.
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