Dr. Utopia (another great HillBuzz term) is coming to Nashua NH next week on Groundhog's Day. Perfect!
"NASHUA – President Barack Obama will host a town-hall style forum focused on jobs and the economy at Nashua High School North on Tuesday, The Telegraph confirmed Thursday night."
"New Hampshire Democratic Party officials said they had not received any information yet about the site, the timing of the event and any details on how to obtain free tickets to it."
!Excelente! Tea Party People, let's get going and tell Mr. Obama how we feel about the deficit, bailouts, the 2,000-page health care bill, lobbyists in the White House, key donors scoring all the ambasssdor positions, insulting SCOTUS at the SOTU address, etc., etc., etc. If you hear of any Tea Party gatherings, let me know!
I hope Obama will not again make hollow promises if he is going to speak in front of people. I also hope that he will listen to what people are saying about his plans and actions. Talk is not enough. He has to act it out.
Posted by: Mark @ Israel | February 09, 2010 at 03:26 PM