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November 26, 2009



All these acusation are false and Dr Afia Sidduqui is purely inncoent. She was kidnapped by Pakistani agency in 2003 while her way to Airposr as she had flight to Rawalphindi with her three children but on the way she was kidnapped and never reached Airport. The Pakistani agencies are involved with American and they both planned and bribed the pakistanis. Dr Afia was a neuroscientist and she saw someting very intolerable which wanted to report out but before she could do they kidnapped her. she wanted to raise voice against traitors, back stabber and so called conspirators. She was passed to ameriacns taritors by pakistani agnencies in 2003. And the period 2003-2008 she;s been going through alot.
Her only sin was that she is Muslim and she was backstabbed by own people. Americans government talk about human rights but when it comes to Afia Siddqui they forget everything because she is a muslim. Her family was warned by American FBI not disclose any information to the media. She facing alot of torture in the jail but no one is coming forward to help her out.I pray to GOD that all these americans face a devistating period because of them today there a lot of terrorism. Jews carried out the 9/11 attack and blamed on talibans. American giverments are animals and devilsh people worser then henry.


Does Danial think the following statement is really helpful in any way?:

"I pray to GOD that all these americans face a devistating period because of them today there a lot of terrorism. Jews carried out the 9/11 attack and blamed on talibans. American giverments are animals and devilsh people worser then henry."

Now contrast this with the following statement:

"All these acusation are false and Dr Afia Sidduqui is purely inncoent."

Where is Danial's proof? Does evidence not count when he makes such discriminatory claims?

One might ask how does Danial know this? Is he familiar with the burden of proof? He seems to think that muslims are innocent by default whereas non-muslims are terrorists.

Stop making this into a alleged muslim versus non-muslim rant.

The fact as we the public know it:

1) Affia's case is strange and there are far too many unanswered questions

2) She is charged with assaulting US military/agents and NOT terrorism

3) Her absence of 5 years is strange

4) Add to that her two missing kids

5) IF she is the victim of Bagram prison, then she was torturred and abuse without doubt as the repute of that place is anything but good

Danial should sit down, take a deep breath and acquaint himself with Human Rights, which Pakistan has a terrible and even worse record of than most western or non-muslim countries.

Perhaps he can explain the merciless persecution of women under Hudood Ordinance where a rape victim is equated to a fornicator/adulteress and put in jail, where women are raped daily and the police turns the blind eye (Dr, Shazia, Mukhtar Mai, Sonia Naz and many many more), the horrible and inhumane persecution and force conversion of Christian Pakistanis and rapes of their girls, burning of churches, acid attacks on women, karo kari (honour killings), the widespread corruption which allows for innocent Pakistani men and women to be imprisoned and raped and tortured beyond rcognition, the persecution of Ahmadiya muslims and so on.

When he can account for this and explain how that fits into his idea of human rights, then we can talk about the constant blaming the jews, americans and west for every problem in the muslim world. Until then it is just empty and hollow conspiracy theories.

But overall I agree with Miss Kelly on the murkiness of this case.

Today the trial starts in New York. Let us hope the truth will come forward and justice prevail.

My sympathies with Aafia.

If anybody is to blame it is the Pakistani and Afhgan authorites who handed her over. Nobody else.

I wonder if Danial would cry foul if this was an hindu/american/british/jewish person caught, tortured and accused by Pakistanis and treated like this.

I doubt it.

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