It's about time! They've been taking place all around the country, attracting crowds ranging from hundreds of people to over 5,000! I've heard of a number of Taxpayer Revolt Tea Parties scheduled for Massachusetts, including the following:
Saturday March 28, 2009 - Essex County Tea Party, from: 12-2pm, 60 Pleasant St. (City Hall), Newburyport, MA.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009 - Worcester Tea Party! 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. at Lincoln Square, Worcester. For more info, e-mail [email protected].
Also on Tax Day, the Boston Tea Party, Boston 10:00am - 8:00pm at City Hall Plaza (Government Center T-stop). I think a lot of WTKK radio talk show hosts will be at this one.
There's a Lowell Tea Party in the works, also be on April 15th. It's planned for JFK Plaza in front of Lowell City Hall, from 3-7 PM. Will post additional info as I get it.
National clearinghouse info here. The tea bag image came from those folks. More tea parties listed here.
Newt Gingrich has caught the tea party fever too.
Don't just stand there while Mr. Obama tries to turn the U.S.A. into a socialist country! Tell Congress to stop right now with their reckless "stimulus" bills, and remind them that they work for us. Join a Tea Party rally!
MissKelly, I just saw this on FreeRepublic:
There will be a tea party on 3/27/09 and on the following Friday at 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM at Veteran’s Park next to Friendly’s restaurant. I’m sure they will be small,but this is a starting point and should spark curiosity in the public. All are welcome, we ask that any signs not attack any individual.
Posted by: lwbadgr | March 26, 2009 at 05:07 PM
Sorry, that tea party on 3/27 is in Ware, MA
Posted by: lwbadgr | March 26, 2009 at 05:08 PM
Hoping for a GREAT INSPIRATIONAL TEA-PARTY in Lowell on April 15th! I hope that elected officials will NOT be invited,... as they really should go and find "their-own" revolution. Happy Cambodian New Year to all!! God Bless America!!!
Posted by: Lee_from_Lowell | March 26, 2009 at 05:13 PM
I think all of these demonstrations are vital to the future of this country.
HOWEVER . . . I also think that if we really want to effect change QUICKLY, demonstrations should be organized outside the homes of the politicians.
I'm urging everyone whom I can contact to plan this venue for future demonstrations.
We all saw how this tactic (employed by ACORN and its gimme-gimme gang of extortionists) caught the world media's attention when it was used against the executives of AIG as bus tours roamed through the their neighborhoods!
Imagine how fast the Washington Windbags would change their tone when their neighbors and spouses had to contend with a very vocal crowd of angry taxpayers marching - peacefully, of course - in front of their homes!!!!!
I think that, like the president, we need to learn about and use the "organizing" tactics of Saul Alinsky. Hmmmm ... does that sound like the time-worn advice of: "Fight Fire with Fire" ? So be it.
Posted by: John Brotchie | March 27, 2009 at 11:16 AM
HI there.. do you know who organized the one in LOWELL and if they are still doing it like we are in NH?
Please get back to me if you know this info.
Posted by: NHTPC | August 29, 2009 at 06:40 PM