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August 13, 2008



Glad to know I'm not the only 'parochial' watching this case.
I've come across your import from time to time (usually Pipe), and thought you at last deserved my aknowledgement.
Thank you for all you offer.

miss kelly

Thanks, Shawmut! Much appreciated. This case makes me nervous. As another blogger wrote, we have conflicting narratives here. The criminal trial ought to be emlightening! Thanks for your comments.


Boston should be glued to this trial.
The lack of collateral coverage is pure smoke-screen.
But 'Americana' (my def.) is watching the drama of a dysfuntionanal family in Orlando.
I wonder if Salaan got his BRA job the same way as Lima (non-cit. 20 years).
And "Courant (Back Bay rag)" has BRA Ex. Dir. Harry Collings, retiring as a Superman.
You know by the old subversive stand two steps forward for one backward, the opposition is winning by half steps. We need thinkers and plotters for this, not just jingoism.
Again my compliments.

Yvonne Ridley

Miss Kelly,
Please retract "a known al Qaida sympathiser" next to my name. Not only is it highly defamatory, you offer no proof and will be the subject of legal action should you not withdraw, apologise or retract the damaging statement.
Yvonne Ridley
Journalist and author

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