Oopsy, I'm late in announcing this, but c'est la vie! EWTN is currently airing Thomas Woods's 13-program series, "The Catholic Church: Builder of Civilization," based on his book How the Catholic Church Built Western Civilization, on Wednesdays at 6pm ET (repeated eight hours later at 2am ET). Last week's program was about Catholic charity, this week's program was about morality and the innate human dignity of each individual, which has led to our modern notion of human rights, as well as the concept of a just war. In the other programs, I believe Woods also discusses sciences, the university system, law, economics, art and design. They're fascinating programs, Woods weaves lots of history and philospohy in his discussions. The focus is on Catholic contributions in different spheres, and Woods frames things in their historical context, and he contrasts the Catholic approach to the philosophies and religions that existed before the Church. Good stuff, I highly recommend watching the series.