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January 31, 2008


Jim Franklin

I just wonder about someone who is out of touch with reality enough to believe Mormon Doctrine; would they be a good President? Would a Scientologist, who was otherwise a competent administrator like Mitt, be okay as President?

miss kelly

Mormonism is certainly a strange religion. South Park did a hilarious episode on Mormonism. Carter really had a problem with the Golden tablets ("But Dude, where are the Golden Tablets?") But as Michael Graham has pointed out, most religions have "good" beliefs and temets, and it's their adherents who are crazy. For Mormonism, it's the opposite of that: the religious beliefs are wacky, but the adherents tend to be wonderful, kind, trustworthy, responsible people. So, yes, I would vote for a Mormon to be president.

Scientologists have both wacky beliefs and wacky adherents. I probably wouldn't vote for a Scientologist to be president.

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