More eye-opening stuff coming out of the case of United States versus Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development (HLF), currently underway in Dallas, TX. I've only come across one AP article in the Boston Globe about this trial, which is expected to last several months. The government's claim is that the HLF, originally incorporated as the Occupied Land Fund in 1988, is not really the charitable organziation it claims to be, but is a front group and fund-raiser for Hamas. According to the indictment, HLF sent over $36.2 million overseas to organizations with links to Hamas. Hamas was designated as a terrorist organization back in 1995. While people who sent money to the HLF (including ISB's Yousef Abou-Allaban) claim that they were only trying to help widows and orphans, the U.S. government believes that the money was mainly used for buying weapons for Hamas militants, supporting suicide bombers, and killing lots of people. Hamas' charter explicitly calls for the destruction of the state of Israel. You really shouldn't be able to give these folks money, call it a charitable donation and get a tax deduction.
Lots of fascinating documents are coming out of this trial, which show how may American Islamic organizations are linked to each other and to the Muslim Brotherhood. Here's the goodies I came across today, that are quite relevant for us in the Boston area.
There are numerous unindicted co-conspirators listed in the Government's case, who are reported to be people or organizations that were part of Hamas (in the Miiddle East), who raised funds for the HLF, or who were members of the US Muslim Brotherhood (there are additional categories). Jamal Badwai, the newest trustee of the Islamic Society of Boston, is listed as someone who raised funds for the HLF. The Council of American Islamic Relations (CAIR) is listed as a member of the US Muslim Brotherhood's Palestine Committee. The Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) and the North American Islamic Trust (NAIT) are listed as members of the US Muslim Brotherhood. And what has this got to do with the price of tea of China, or us folks in Massachusetts?
First, the stated goals of the US Muslim Brotherhood include the following, quoted from their own Explanatory Memorandum on the General Strategic Goal of the Group in North America (dated 1991):
“The Ikhwan (Muslim Brothers) must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and sabotaging its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God’s religion (Islam, natch) is made victorious over all other religions.”
My, my, don't we have delusions of grandeur? These folks are patient and think long-term. Part of the mission of the Muslim Brotherhood, which is quite detailed and well-thought out, is to establish an Islamic Center in every major city. This center will constitute the "axis of our movement" and "supply our battallions" as the Muslim Brotherhood marches forth, bringing dawah to us filthy, miserable Americans. Call me crazy, but I'd say the brand new Roxbury mosque might be just such a Muslim Brotherhood Islamic center. And Massachusetts taxpayers have subsidized it (via a sweet Boston Redevelopment Authority transaction), to boot! Gotta give the MB credit, they know how to work the system.
Jamal Badawi's name comes up again in the MB's master plan, the grand Jihad to eliminate and destroy Western civilization (puh-leeze!). The Dr. Jamal Badawi Foundation is listed, along with ISNA, as "providing the seed of the comprehensive dawa organization." But he looks like such a nice man! Does he really want to "destroy Western civilization" and install Islam as the religion and governance for the U.S. and the world? Sounds ludicrous, but there it is, in their own words. You can't make this stuff up.
The NAIT, by the way, has some ownership of the ISB's property, I believe (I'll check on that). There are several mosques in Massachusetts that are affiliates of the ISNA, including the ISB, the Islamic Society of Greater Lowell, and the Islamic Society of Greater Worcester. You always see those three mosques listed together, along with the Islamic Center of New England. Close organizational ties to these unidicted co-conspirators. Let's pay attention, shall we?
There's a lot at stake in this trial for both sides. Stay tuned.