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November 26, 2006


chad johnson

They were doing their job, they did what we want them to do.


Hey Mrs. Crappy know u talkin about muslims... u are mad freakin dumb... u dont know who is the bad person is here... think what u write before u put it on the damn internet... okay freak.. Atleast u common sense... Stupid go make fun some other crappy person like u...

miss kelly

Dear Maryam from Mansfield, your e-mail moniker ("peacemuslims12") is quite at odds with your comments. You must be one of the Lashkar imam's fans.


sorry about that i didnt write.. i am soo sorry about that can u please take that off.. i really would like it thank you soo much.. and i am very sorry about that, who every wrote that

miss kelly

Maryam, that's a puzzle, since both comments came from the same computer (same IP address). Is there a gremlin in your house?

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